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Our e-Terminal module is a convenient code-free solution for processing online transactions. 

It is an effortless way to accept payments for card-not-present situations. You simply need to receive the card details via phone or mail and enter it on a payment page.

Use e-Terminal module interface

Using the e-Terminal requires you to 

  • Make sure to configure the API key/secret in the Merchant Portal as described in the dedicated chapter in our Authentifizierung guide
  • Meet the PCI DSS certification SAQ C-VT 
  • Ensure your acquirer allows you to process mail order/telephone order (MOTO) transactions
  • Have the feature enabled on your account. Contact us to ensure this

    To use our e-Terminal interface, follow these steps:

    • Login to the Merchant Portal in either our test or live environment 
    • Go to Payment links > e-Terminal. Fill in the payment page as follows:
    Property Description

    The gross amount you want to charge for this order. Use "," (comma)

    Select the desired currency from the drop down menu. The default currency is the one set by your acquirer

    Equivalent of properties order.amountOfMoney.amount / order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode for requests via our API

    Card number

    Any card brand available for the direct.eTerminal module will appear as an icon.

    Any card brand available for the e-Terminal module will appear as an icon. Contact us to add more brands

    Make sure not to store this data to keep a low PCI DSS profile

    Cardholder's name
    Expiry date
    Card verification code
    Merchant reference (Optional)

    Your unique reference to this order
    Equivalent of property order.references.merchantReference for requests via our API

    • Once you have completed the payment page and the information is validated, the Take payment will be enabled for you to confirm the payment
    • We process the transaction and receive the result from the acquirer. We display the result to you on your screen

    You can follow-up the transaction in the Merchant Portal via the Transactions tab.

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